Rochdale is one of the larger housing associations in Amsterdam. In 2013 Rochdale made the decision to introduce the so called ‘Wijkteams’ into their organisation to develop an internal knowledge centre and work through a more project based approach. The Kgotla Company was asked to help in the process of establishing the ‘Wijkteams’ as the heart of the organisation and start an ongoing dialogue to improve the working atmosphere.
Dream: Establish the ‘Wijkteams’ as the heart of the organisation and thereby ensure a better service provision to the customer. Create a closer knit and better motivated organisation in which all disciplines work together in harmony.
Result: A organisation in which dialogue plays an essential part of the operation and in which the ‘Wijkteams’ play an fundamental role. A redesign of the physical working environment which will enhance both communication as working atmosphere.
During the Kgotla sessions held at Rochdale it was possible to create a dialogue in which various points of improvement came forward. On the basis of these points the management team made the decision to make significant steps to improve the working conditions and daily operations.